Payment Method
payment methods
there are different ways you can pay for orders:
  • card
  • 2.paypal
  • 3.western union
  • 4.wire transfer
paying by credit card
paying by credit card is safe, easy and convenient at we currently accept visa and master card.
note: does not store or review your credit card & personal information. as such, should any issues arise regarding your credit card transaction, please contact your credit card company for assistance. cannot accept any responsibility for any credit card payment issues. we currently accept credit card payments worldwide.
paying with paypal
1.with paypal, you can send payment quickly and securely on-line.
2.through paypal, you can pay with credit card, debit card, or bank account balance.
3.once your order is submitted, you will be redirected to paypal's site where you could make the payment.
advantages with using paypal:
  • payment is traceable. you can trace the status of your payment using your paypal account.
  • payment does not require you to use your credit card online (you can transfer directly from your bank account). doesn't see your credit card number (it is safely encrypted through paypal's server), which limits the risk of unauthorized use.
paying with western union:
we are also happy to accept western union payment in usd,eur,gbp currency for most orders. please refer to the following payment information to know more:
make pay able to:
first name: xiurong
last name: gu
address: room 703, xianfeng plaza, nanjing, jiangsu province, china
zip code: 210007
city: nanjing
country: china
note: please email your order number, western union control number, order amount, first and last name, state and country to: after you send payment through western union.
paying with wire transfer:
we are also happy to accept wire transfer payment in usd,eur,gbp currency for most orders.
for wire transfer payments
bank name: china everbright bank
subbranch: nanjing branch
swift code: evercnbjnj1
account number: 6226682001374255
account name: gu xiurong
account address: yudaojie no.30,45 building 101, nanjing, jiangsu, china
note: please email your order number, amount, sender's first and last name, sender's country, sender's phone number and transaction id to after you send payment through wire transfer.